Octavia Baptist Church
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Connecting People To GOD

Weekly Announcements and Concerns

Current Prayer Requests from 7-21-24 - updated weekly.
1.   Tiffany Rogers cancer has spread to the lungs.  had second chemo treatment this past week.  Chemo has been halted for the time being due to white cell and red cell counts being too low.   Will resume when counts are built back up.  One more and then evaluation. 
2.  Judy Wilson - is home in a back brace.  Only able to walk with a walker.
3.  Sean Rogers - in remission after 10 years of treatments
4.  Mary Reed - very ill.  Had an MRI the 17th. of this month.  Dr.s saw something questionable so she is going for St. Francis Cancer Center for a biopsy this Thursday, the 25th.
5.  Kenneth Smith - is home, and we are looking for in-home care givers.  
6. Darrian Cline family - Darrian was killed in an automobile accident this past Friday morning.  Funeral arrangements are pending here.
Miscellaneous Announcements and upcoming events
1.  WEDNESDAY -  6:30 PM 
         Youth Meeting
         Adult Bible Study
2.  Ladies' Day (time to Retreat)
Saturday, July 27th 0 9:30 to 4:00 PM
 at the Fellowship Hall
Come and go, or come and stay.
   Christmas in July
For more information, see Becky Hilton