Octavia Baptist Church
Friday, September 20, 2024
Connecting People To GOD

Weekly Announcements and Concerns

Current Prayer Requests from 9-15-24 - updated weekly.
1.   Tiffany Rogers cancer has spread to the lungs, spots in lungs seem to have shrunk, but cancer now in base of skull and spine.  Chemo treatments have resumed every three weeks.
2.  Mary Reed - Had a biopsy recently .  Showed a small slow-growth cancer on her kidney.  She will g back in 6 months for more tests and re-evaluation.
3.  Ladale Toon - recovering from second surgery last Friday to repair broken pelvis.
4.  Travis Prise - diagnosed with leaky heart valves.  Next scheduled tests are Sept. 25th.
5.  Ed Slaton's mom, Vonnie - facing more testing for chronic pain.
Miscellaneous Announcements and upcoming events
1.  WEDNESDAY -  6:30 PM 
         AWANA - pre-K thru 6th.
         Youth Meeting
         Adult Bible Study
2.   Nov. 3rd. - Ordination service for Josh during the morning service.
3.  Christmas Shoebox packing party will be 1st. Sunday in November after fellowship.