Octavia Baptist Church
Monday, March 03, 2025
Connecting People To GOD

Weekly Announcements and Concerns

Current Prayer Requests from 2-23-25- updated weekly.
1.   Travis Prise - diagnosed with leaky heart valves.  Scheduled for heart tests this coming Thursday in OKC
2.   Lester Blake - diagnosed with esophageal cancer.  On a feeding tube as is unable to eat at all.   Is slowly deteriorating.
3.  Alicia (Brown) Patrick - diagnosed with a hole in her heart.  Saw cardiologist this past week.  She is not feeling well and uncertain as to what is the right treatment option.
4.  Mary Reed ( Tammy Carter's mother) - back home after hospital stay.  Long road to recovery.
5.  Troy Keiss - had surgery last Wednesday to remove tumor from the brain stem.  Surgery went well, they got 95% of the tumor, but he will have a long, slow recovery.

Miscellaneous Announcements and upcoming events
1.  WEDNESDAY -  6:30 PM
         AWANA - pre-K thru 6th.
         Youth Meeting
         Adult Bible Study
2.  Next Sunday is First Sunday.  Fellowship following morning service.  No evening classes.
3.  Basket Shower for Lane and Macy Toon.  Basket will be in foyer for next few weeks.