Octavia Baptist Church
Monday, March 03, 2025
Connecting People To GOD

About Sunday School

Our Sunday School, like our worship, is designed "To Connect People To God."  We have classes that minister to every age group from nursery age on up. 

Following is a list of some of the classes and information about each class as provided by its teacher.
  • The Senior Ladies Class:  This class consists of ladies 55 years and older.  The class's Bible studies are taken from the Bible and from the Life Ventures quarterlies.  The goal of this class is to connect people to God by witnessing and prayer.  Prayer for individuals who are sick or needing help is offered.
  • The Prime of Life Class:  This class is composed of both singles and married couples in the 60+ age range.  Most of our singles are widows or widowers.  A quarterly book, "Explore the Bible" from LifeWay is used.  Although the quarterly is used as a basis for class discussion, the contemporary world is brought into focus with each week's lesson.  The average number of years that class participants have attended Sunday School is likely to be 40+.  Group discussion is encouraged and everyone has the opportunity to comment on the day's lesson.
  • Men's "Mid-Manhood" Class:  This "mid-manhood" group is made up of both married and unmarried guys - men just starting out as well as dads with kids already raised.  It is comprised of men seeking a deeper faith and a broader understanding of God's Word through group discussion and study.  This men's small group provides a comfortable setting where visitors fit in whether they are mature Christians or not.
  • Men's Class:  We think of ourselves as more of a discussion group rather than a class.  Although we use a quarterly, we frequently deviate from it to discuss current issues, and how to deal with them as Bible believing Christian men.  We also attempt to seek out needs that we are qualified to meet or help others meet - both in the community and elsewhere.  If you would like to know more about Christ, or would like to grow as a Christian and help our church body grow, you would be a welcome addition to our class.  All ages are welcome.
  • Pre-Teen Class:  Our preteen class consists of 10-13 year-olds, and we have a regular attendance of about 8.  We just finished an in depth study of tough issues that our children will be facing as teenagers:  staying pure until marriage, staying away from drugs and alcohol, recognizing peer pressure.  We learned how to use scripture to help us with any situation.
    We are starting a new study on holy living, witnessing, making a difference in the world, and the ultimate sacrifice that  Jesus made for us.  As teacher, my goal is to lead all of my kids to the Lord:  accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, following in baptism, and then connecting others to God.  I want to help them focus on making good decisions, having positive attitudes, and turn to God for all their needs.  Visitors are always welcome in our class, and I know that each visitor will leave with a blessing.
  • Early Elementary Class:  Our class is for children in K-1st. grades and we have 6 - 8 children who are in regular attendance.  We are currently using a quarterly lesson book from David C. Cook Ministries.  The goal of this class is to  help the children discover the love of God and His Son Jesus Christ. 
    Our class begins with a Sharing Time which encourages thinking and introduces the class to the day's topic.  We then move to Bible Story Time where they learn about the life and times of Bible time people and God's presence in their lives.  Next is the Activity and Discussion Time where they can choose an activity to reinforce what they learned in story time and memorize a Bible verse.  Then they discuss how they can apply the truths they learned to their own lives.  Music and songs are often a part of this time. 
    At the end of the class is Prayer Time where each child is given the opportunity  to pray or to be prayed for.  The kids truly enjoy each Sunday morning when they can discover more about God and His great love for each one of them.